Les révélations d’Edward Snowden concernant les méthodes d’écoute ne sont que la pointe émergée de l’iceberg. Aux Etats-Unis et dans les pays occidentaux, des milliers de gens dont des enfants sont attaqués (physiquement et mentalement), par des services secrets ou militaires utilisant indéniablement des méthodes de haute technologie et des armes électroniques. Nous devons tous unir nos efforts afin de mettre ces criminels derrière les barreaux ! Je vous demande, s’il vous plaît, d’envoyer des liens de ce site à vos amis et proches. Je vous remercie. Peter Mooring Edward Snowden, le 17 Décembre 2013 : Ces programmes n'ont jamais concerné le terrorisme : ils ont été réalisés dans un but d'espionnage économique, de contrôle social et de manipulation diplomatique. Bref, le pouvoir. Lire. Lire. Peter Mooring, le 4 Janvier 2014 : Et le pouvoir concerne l'élimination des opposants. C'est exactement ce que font les services secrets... éliminer. Une autre chose que les services secrets font est d'expérimenter de nouvelles méthodes et de nouvelles armes, ce qu'on appelle « l'expérimentation du contrôle de l'esprit ». Dans les deux cas, les méthodes et les armes sont souvent le harcèlement en réseau et les armes électroniques. Beaucoup de gens ignorants et innocents dont des enfants sont éliminées par ces moyens ou soumis à cette expérimentation. Beaucoup en souffrent, beaucoup en meurent. Ces crimes sont parmi les pires de l'histoire et sont une honte pour l'humanité. |
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Electronic harassment and electronic torture list - February 26, 2009 - Updated December 24, 2009
Published: February 26, 2009, updated: July 23, 2012 Updated: February 28, 2009, April 11, 2009, June 10, 2009, June 13, 2009, June 25, 2009, September 6, 2009, December 24, 2009 Almost anybody can become a (temporary) target of these horrible electronic weapons. Please read what can be done so you are prepared. This is not science fiction but happening right now in our ‘democratic’ society.Below is a list of all possible attacks by electronic weapons that I know of by experience. I know more attacks exists. Female targets write about sexual attacks, others mention continuous ringing in the ears, etc. Electronic weaponsThese attacks are done by the following kind of electronic weapons:
For another introduction you may want to read: or, read the summary of my previous blogs:A list including all horrible detailsOn the internet already a lot of symptoms and attacks by these weapons can be found. Most of these lists do not detail these attacks and that is exactly what I am trying to do here. In my opinion it is not enough to read that such a weapon gives you a burning feeling, instead the horrible details must be exposed!Description of a (continuous) high intensity microwave weapon attack: This weapon makes your skin really burn like a very heavy sunburn and cooks your inside, you really feel being cooked alive, you are heated like meat in a microwave oven, with intensities that exceed those of a microwave oven. Gal is coming out of your throat and fluids inside your body evaporate making you instantly burp. In case of high intensity there is also a burning sensation on the other side of the body, where the beam, of approx. 10-30 cm diameter leaves the body. If they cook you long enough cooked body cells explode inside you, when aimed at your upper body, lung cells explode/ are destroyed and reducing lung capacity immediately noticed when walking stairs or running. The burning sensation and the cooked-inside feeling will go away after 5-30 minutes or 1-2 days depending on the duration and intensity, it may take a day or more to recover from high power microwave bursts with durations of 5-60 seconds (but can you recover from these amounts of irradiation?). A cup of milk is heated and starts evaporating after 5-10 seconds. The electronic weapons aimed at you can make you burp or fart within 1-3 seconds, hence the intensity of electromagnetic irradiation is not only used to torture a person but murder as well. Covert and intended-to-notice (or noticed) electronic harassment/tortureElectronic harassment is called covert if the target does not know about these weapons and methods. If you do not know about these weapons you may think you have all the bad luck in the world, you will wonder what strange things are happening to you, to your body, and accept you do not control your life anymore.If intended-to-notice (or noticed), electronic harassment is torture in its most horrible form. What would you do if your body is made to react every time to events occurring in your life, e.g. by making you burp or fart, your legs are cooked every night, your ankle is cooked during daytime when working behind your computer, your knee is beamed to cause maximum pain, etc. Some examplesTo delay you:
To make things worst:
The maximum pain business, beyond imagination horror and cruelty without evidenceSpecial methods have been developed to make you think you have a heart problem, erection problem, toothache, etc. For the ones exposing these horrendous crimes they developed methods to inflict maximum pain, e.g. by cooking such a person alive with a high power microwave weapon, or burning the skin of the target or making the target burp or fart every few minutes to events occurring in the life of the target (including e.g. opening a website on a computer, saving a file, cars passing by the window, etc. ). Some authors refer to the development and use of these weapons as the pain business. I would like to make a correction, please call it the maximum pain business. After accepting that there are really such sick and disgusting creatures actually developing and applying these methods and torture, you also have to accept that it is not about just pressing a button, but also about the way how this torture is applied. Zapping your eyes red to make you look bad, cooking biceps to prevent you from swimming, cooking your throat to prevent you from singing, inducing heart problems and toothaches to prevent you working or sports. More horror, these methods and procedures could not have been highly developed without being tested on humans, on real persons. And again more horror, these methods are often used with gang stalking (organized stalking) methods. Like they cook your ankle with insane intensities making your foot very painful, and when you go outside all kinds of people with leg problems are crossing your path, people limping, in a wheelchair, sometimes even someone without a leg. Or, they start sawing wood somewhere and when the saw enters the wood cook your body with high intensity microwave. This torture is applied 24/7, not once every hour but more like once every minute/every 5 minutes. Horrible torture that can be called torturing a person to death.Special case: the heart attackDamaging your body can be done in several ways. One vital organ is the heart. They can attack the heart very effective with:
These weapons can damage your heart in a split second, you may not survive such a attack, but can also be used to slowly damage your heart. Slowly cook your heart area so will get a strange feeling and in fact your heart is really damaged. Then there is also the frequency manipulation attack, your heart may feel pulsing, blobbing like crazy.
Can you recover from these attacks? In general they will not murder you or leave evidence, your heart may feel very painful for several days after they stop their attacks. It can take weeks until all pain in the area has disappeared. I am not sure about permanent damage caused by these attacks. Can you die from such an attack? Yes, if the intensity of the beam is high enough your heart can be damaged or temporarily disturbed in such a way that you will die.How can you recognize a 'normal' heart problem from a 'induced' heart problem? You yourself are the best judge of what you feel. If you believe something really is wrong with your heart then visit a doctor. If you are certain your heart is attacked then avoid visiting a doctor as this will confirm a heart problem in case you collapse or die, case closed. If your heart is under attack you may receive strange emails like the one below:============================================================== Radiofrequency Radiation Dosimetry Handbook - Chapter 2Dear XXXXX, Well I'm still alive at this moment, but I think they are trying to give me a heart attack. Anyone with a radio can use this method and cause damage to any organ specifically. The FCC has really fallen down on the job. Basically any mob can do this to you. And I do believe the FBI and CIA and NSA are mobs. They take out contracts and are evil and stupid.The woman who now heads our safety department said we could not bring spectrum analyzers to work. I do not think anyone but me would have understood what that is. What this means is that we are not allowed to protect ourselves, as if these evil doughy people should be our judge jury and executioner. The NAZIS USED THIS TECHNOLOGY IN WWII. THAT'S HOW OLD IT IS, MAYBE OLDER. THEY ARE STILL USING IT ALONG WITH MRI'S AND INFRARED THROUGH THE WALL. THEIR FAVORITE THING TO SAY IS, "YOU CAN'T PROVE IT." WHICH, OF COURSE, PROVES IT.XXXXX -- No one is free if one is not free.============================================================== Impossible to protect yourselfThe human body appears to be extremely vulnerable to electromagnetic irradiation of all kind of frequencies. The human body also is a electromagnetic transmitter and sensitive (radio) equipment can pick up and decode the signals that are generated e.g. when speaking, thinking. In contrast to a knife or a bullet, electromagnetic signals are not blocked by walls, compare your cell phone. Limited protection is possible using sheet metal, metal plates, water, vacuum, but if you really are a target the attackers increase intensities (if necessary to insane levels), change frequency, attack from different angles etc. Also remember that these weapons can hit a person without hitting the person sitting next to this person. They can be aimed and the diameter of the beam can be made small enough to hit only the target.Anybody can be a targetElectronic weapons make it very easy to eliminate persons, to get persons (temporarily) out of the way, to murder persons, etc. all without evidence, and most of the time even the target does not know he is zapped, cooked, burned with electronic weapons. The ones owning and controlling this technology now can get everything they want in a very easy way. They can get their football player into the national team by temporarily cut out the competitor for the same position in the team. This could be done with other means as well but it is very easy with electronic weapons. Just cook a person's ankle and foot during the night and the damage is done. To influence a tennis match you could cook a player by heating the body with microwaves (compare microwave oven). He will just feel overheated and sick and loose the game. These are just two examples to demonstrate what can be done. You can imagine almost anybody can become a target. Some people because they are more visible then others, because they have something the sick network wants, because they know something the sick network does not want to be exposed, because they are too intelligent for the sick network, ust for personal reasons because may be they made a remark about someone, etc.Electronic weapons can kill a personBesides using electronic weapons to monitor, drive into suicide, cause temporary injuries, they can also be used to kill a person. Killing is possible by sending wrong signals to the heart making it pulse in abnormal ways, or by increasing intensity and cooking the heart area, damaging the heart slowly. Very high power laser weapons or HPM (= High Power Microwave) weapons can damage your heart in a second. Although little is known at this time about the effects of long term irradiation, it is not difficult to imagine that this will cause all kinds of diseases as electromagnetic irradiation destroys your DNA (cell with damaged DNA are called cancer). Again all these horrible things can be done, and are done today, without evidence.How do you know you are a target of electronic harassment?It is often very difficult to distinghuish between normal body behaviour and induced body behaviour if there no signs of burning or cooking. E.g. would you know the difference between normal diareah and induced diareah? Yes, you are able to decide what is not normal by comparing your diareah with previous experiences. It may start and disappear very sudden, may cause other effects like water bubbles leaving your anus, etc. Also, the diareah may be linked to a certain event, like picking up your child, appearance in court, etc. Always ask yourself what it is you are feeling, did you feel this before? Does it go away when you turn your body 180 degrees? Does it go away when you walk in the streets or drive your car? You are the best judge of what you are feeling.Your car may be taggedWhen you are a target you will experience harassment everywhere every time. If you have a car they will tag your car (these are words I learned from a 'so-called target'). This means they will equip your car with electronic weapons not only to monitor you but also to cook and/or burn your body while driving.They may also harass the target covert and use the following beams:
Harassment from (neighbor) houses, cars, handbags, airplanes, satellitesMost of the electronic harassment comes from close neighbor houses. When you walk in the the streets you are probably attacked by electronic weapons (directed energy weapons) from houses (they may be remote controlled or controlled by operator at these locations. If there are no locations for their equipment, they use these weapons from their cars. You may also be hit from airplanes. This is not difficult to believe if you accept a reach several hundreds of meters. Some targets write about satellites being the source of their electronic harassment. In general I do not believe this is true. Example of current state-of-technology: You can be hit by very accurate equipment. E.g. when you are running on the streets or in the woods you may be 'shot' with a very high power microwave weapon in your calf from an airplane. The intensity can be such that this causes instant injury. Your calf is cooked within a split second and your muscles almost instantly tear apart. Making running/walking almost impossible.Electronic harassment can also be done from small devices carried in e.g. shopping bags in shops or on the street. You need only a small battery to give the target a single burst that makes him burp or fart. This is enough to depress the target: nowhere safe from this horrible harassment. Satellites probably play a big role in exchanging information about a target, e.g. you can have a subvocal speech decoding PC in the house next to target, but it is more easy (and safe) to transfer the undecoded information to a central computer system, and return the decoded words. But it may be done on site, PC's have enough power today to do this decoding themselves.You may be attacked by persons (family, friends, co-workers) who are covertly attacked by electronic harassmentThe aim of the attackers is to drive the target insane. To speed up things they aim their electronic weapons covertly at family, friends, co-workers, etc. to make them react in several ways to what the target is doing or saying. Some (easy) methods used to covertly attack other persons:
Elite and secret services control our politiciansIt is not amazing that these weapons exist, I studied computer science myself, if you have enough money it is not that special. It is also not amazing that there are actually sick and disgusting creatures walking around free applying this kind of electronic harassment to cause the physical or mental death of a person. What is amazing is that a lot of high ranked politicians and other influential persons are fully aware of the existence and use of these weapons but do not speak out. What does this say about these persons? I believe you can say that the idea we live in a democracy has disappeared completely.Elite and secret services are trapped by their crimes in vicious circle of more violence against the people of the worldThe ones facilitating, outsourcing and performing this cruel electronic harassment and torture is not just a group of people, these attacks are very well designed and applied by people trained to cause maximum pain but leave no evidence. The ones I am referring to are our secret services, including military. They are tightening their grip on society, not because they have to protect us against the terrorists in the world, but because they are getting more and more afraid what will happen when the truth about them is exposed. They are trapped in some sort of vicious circle. To maintain themselves they must commit more and more horrible crimes. And to avoid their crimes are exposed they have to perform new horrible crimes, etc. etc.So here we have the elite, creating wars to maintain themselves, and their armies, the secret services both trapped in their own lies and deceit. And the horror for us, the people of the world is that we will be taken from (created) threat to (created) war because that is the only way out for the (criminal) elite and (criminal) secret services.People cookers and secret servicesI introduced the word people cookers in 2007 for the creatures facilitating, outsourcing, performing electronic harassment and electronic torture. Main reason is of course that people cooking comes closest to what they are doing. Most of the harassment and torture is done by microwave irration which causes heating of the skin and your inside just like a microwave oven cooks meat. There are no words to justify these illegal and horrendous crimes. The ones involved are disgusting creatures, an author called them 'the failed human beings' and that is just what they are. They were born human, choose the wrong path in life and degenerated into pieces of shit. I believe people cooking and gang stalking (organized stalking) are the perfect example of how sick our national secret services have become. They now commit the perfect murder, in their language meaning murder without evidence. And they now steal, torture and murder just because it has become so easy to steal, torture and murder.Electronic harassment and electronic torture list - December 24, 2009Below is the list of all (most) effects I experienced from these horrible electronic weapons. Few times I may not correctly describe the source of the effects. It is sometimes difficult to point to microwave or ultrasound. Both can be very damaging. High Power Microwave cooks your body cells while high power ultrasound simply destroys your body cells. But in the end the result is the same, a damaged body.
To all politicians of the worldThe only way to save the world is to stop your national secret services. Breaking laws and violating human rights in horrible ways has become a way of life. They are responsible for most problems in your neighborhood, in your city, in your country, in the world. Make them responsible for what they are doing. Let them account for in detail, force them to open up their organizations for thorough investigations. Stop their funding if they do not co-operate. Replace directors and staff immediately by normal people for starters.Please help to spread the message or donate: |
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Covert Harassment Conference 2014
![]() ![]() COVERT HARASSMENT CONFERENCE & TI-EVENT-2014 - BRUSSELS, 20 NOVEMBER 2014 Click here for a summary incl. videos |
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Electromagnetic Weapons Info
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Mark Rich
Mark Rich, une autre victime de ces crimes, a créé deux sites avec un tas de renseignements pour les victimes de harcèlement en réseau et harcèlement électronique i> pour tous ceux qui veulent en savoir plus sur (politique et / ou personnes) les systèmes de contrôle:
Comme beaucoup de victimes, Mark a besoin de notre soutien: Vérifiez son dernier état a >, Faire un don , href = "http://www.thehiddenevil.com" = "_blank"> Acheter son livre: The Hidden Mal , Acheter son livre: La Nouvelle Guerre Mondiale |
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L’armée de l'air est impliquée dans le harcèlement et la torture électronique cruels d'innocents
![]() C’est très important de comprendre que de nombreuses attaques viennent du ciel, c'est à dire des avions militaires, y compris des hélicoptères, des planeurs etc … Souvent, ils ne visent pas seulement vous, mais aussi certaines personnes qui vous entourent. Mais bien sûr, ils peuvent également vous attaquer avec des équipements installés dans les maisons voisines ou appartements. Et ils ont aussi un équipement portatif, qui leur permet de regarder à travers les murs et de vous brûler, de vous ‘cuire’, de contrôler votre esprit. Lorsque vous allez à l'hôtel, ils doivent juste trouver un des leurs qui est proche de votre nouvel emplacement et vous attaquer à partir de cet endroit. [ 18 Mars 2011 ] (Rapporté par Peter Mooring) Je suis une victime, depuis 2000, de harcèlement en réseau / harcèlement organisés et cruel / la torture électronique. Pendant un certain nombre d'années, ils m’ont suivi et m’ont harcelé avec des avions militaires partout où je vais. Je suis également visé (souvent ‘cuit vivant’) avec une charge très puissante provenant d’ armes à très haute énergie, par exemple, des armes à micro-ondes et ceci lorsque ces appareils sont là. L'avion militaire visible peut être ou ne pas être impliqué, leur fonction étant de distraire, mais le fait qu'ils me traquent relève d’ un crime grave. Ma conclusion est que la personne qui a organisé (a donné l'ordre initial) que ces engins militaires passent au-dessus de moi, est un criminel. Lire l’histoire complète ici Voir aussi: http://www.electronictorture.com |
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