Les révélations d’Edward Snowden concernant les méthodes d’écoute ne sont que la pointe émergée de l’iceberg. Aux Etats-Unis et dans les pays occidentaux, des milliers de gens dont des enfants sont attaqués (physiquement et mentalement), par des services secrets ou militaires utilisant indéniablement des méthodes de haute technologie et des armes électroniques. Nous devons tous unir nos efforts afin de mettre ces criminels derrière les barreaux ! Je vous demande, s’il vous plaît, d’envoyer des liens de ce site à vos amis et proches. Je vous remercie. Peter Mooring Edward Snowden, le 17 Décembre 2013 : Ces programmes n'ont jamais concerné le terrorisme : ils ont été réalisés dans un but d'espionnage économique, de contrôle social et de manipulation diplomatique. Bref, le pouvoir. Lire. Lire. Peter Mooring, le 4 Janvier 2014 : Et le pouvoir concerne l'élimination des opposants. C'est exactement ce que font les services secrets... éliminer. Une autre chose que les services secrets font est d'expérimenter de nouvelles méthodes et de nouvelles armes, ce qu'on appelle « l'expérimentation du contrôle de l'esprit ». Dans les deux cas, les méthodes et les armes sont souvent le harcèlement en réseau et les armes électroniques. Beaucoup de gens ignorants et innocents dont des enfants sont éliminées par ces moyens ou soumis à cette expérimentation. Beaucoup en souffrent, beaucoup en meurent. Ces crimes sont parmi les pires de l'histoire et sont une honte pour l'humanité. |
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Secret service: fear for the truth to be revealed!(24) - Gang stalkers and people cookers are murderers, the crimes they commit belong to the worst crimes in history - part 2
Published: January 26, 2009, updated: October 20, 2012 Below is a summary of the blogs I wrote in 2006-2008 about gang stalking (organized stalking) and electronic harassment (including electronic torture). The summary contains links to the bogs giving you detailed information. Peter IntroductionUsing gang stalking techniques and hi-tech electronic weapons (directed energy weapons) every year thousands of people all over the world are tortured and murdered, most of them never knowing what happened. I estimate a minimum of 300-400 persons are murdered every year this way in The Netherlands. The ones responsible, the (gang) stalkers and people cookers are murderers. Their aim is to cause the physical or mental death of the target. Not by coincidence or rage, but by continuous 24/7 harassment, see also:Some words to the (gang) stalkers and people cookers: you are murderersWhat you are doing is trying to cause the (physical or mental) death of a person. This is called premeditated murder meaning that you are a murderer. What would you do if they did this to you? Probably you would commit suicide, this is what most targets do, I know this because I almost was there but managed to recover despite your terror.Every day in your country people are murdered this way by you and your criminal friends. But your friends are not your friends, they are just psychopaths following orders. Your friends don't care about people, your friends don't care about children, your friends don't care about you, they would murder their own children if necessary. Did you know that 4% of the population is psychopath? Sorry, no more enemiesThe people that are targeted in general are not enemies of the state, nor are they mentally ill. Most of the time they are selectively picked from a list where almost random people are submitted to by the criminal network. Too bad for you there are no enemies in your country, communism died in the 80's. Problem is that the network you are now part of (and was founded when your country became a country and restructured after World War II) can not survive without enemies.The world changed, got divided, stabilized, evolved, but the network that protected the the state and with it its people, did not change. This network became sick (corrupted) and now without an enemy, random people are pointed the enemy while they are not, and random people are pointed mentally ill, while they are not. And to make things more realistic, the sick network also creates enemies and have them perform attacks, see also:
Often targets also suffer from electronic harassment (are being cooked alive)Many stalkers do not know that targets often also are being cooked and burned by electronic weapons (weapons based on radio waves; Directed Energy Weapons). Even if they know, they do not want to believe electronic torture probably is the most horrible torture method ever existed. In may cases the target is cooked alive 24/7, cooked like a microwave oven cooks meat. Through walls, and by devices illegally mounted in their cars, when walking in the streets, when in the swimming pool, everywhere. High power electronic weapons (HPM = High Power Microwave) can cook a body, a heart, with the results being gall, painful burning sensations on back, chest, stings in the head, in the eyes, attacks on other body parts like heart, kidneys, ankles, beams cooking the inside of a person causing fluids to evaporate resulting in burping and farting within seconds, etc.Electronic harassment = people cooking, (sub-vocal) mind readingThe people cookers press the buttons of their electronic weapons 24/7 making the US prison at Guantanamo Bay look a holiday resort. The people cookers burn and cook the target to prevent sleeping, react to events caused by the target (like walking into the living room, putting a new website on the computer screen), react to events noticed by the target (like cars passing by, neighbors leaving their homes or arriving), but also they will cook the target at specific moments to make the target look crazy to other people. Most attacks are from neighbor houses. The sick network however follows targets everywhere to make life as horrible as possible everywhere e.g. by blocking traffic at junctions, high power cooking during sports (running, swimming, etc.), during sexual activities, during visits to stores, etc. See also:
People cookers are fourfold murderersPeople cookers, i.e. the ones facilitating and operating electronic weapons are fourfold murderers:
(Gang) stalkers and people cookers are pedophiles as wellNot only random people are set up to participate in these stalking activities, but children as well. I call the ones who do this pedophiles. They failed themselves as human beings, and now destroy the lives of random children. To the ones doing this: Stay away with your blood drenched claws from innocent children! You failed yourselves as a human being, this is not the fault of these children nor the random people you involve. You are the failure! See also:The big picture: elite, middle class and lower classTo understand what is happening look at the big picture. We have the elite, the middle class and lower class. The elite tries to expand its powers and become richer and richer. The middle class must work hard so they can pay taxes that can be used used by the elite to pay their secret services, their military and your governments. The lower class must be kept poor and uneducated so they can be abused by the elite for all kinds of dirty work, like soldiers in a war, (gang) stalking, pushing the buttons of electronic weapons cooking people, etc. It is very difficult to change classes.The elite needs the lower class for their dirty work so they keep them low-educated and low-paid. It is ironic and sad that selected lower class people are in fact co-operating with the elite to keep their own family, own friends, own children, low-educated and low-paid.
(Gang) stalkers and people cookers are set up to murder their own kindMost people finally selected for elimination are friendly people, civilized, intelligent, see also above. The main reason why these people are selected is because the risk of these people shooting back at you is minimal. Most of these people have nothing against lower class people. The contrary is often true. Many will try to help them/you if they can. So you, who are participating in these horrible crimes, you are just murdering your own species or the ones sincerely involved with your problems.(Gang) stalkers and people cookers are making the world a horrible placeYou, the stalkers and people cookers, all have been fucked into murder. You were told lies by professional liars. You all know you commit horrible crimes that aim at the physical or mental death of your target(s), but you continue anyway because you do not want to go to jail. The bad news for you is that you have chosen the wrong path in life. You support mass murderers, you support and co-operate in murdering your own species, including destroying the lives of children by involving them in murder. So you are not making the world a better place. On the contrary. Your efforts make the world a horrible place in the long run. The ones you are doing these highly illegal activities for are not interested in you, in your children, in people in general. They are only interested in money and power. Look at what happened to the world the last 20 years, most recent in Iraq, Afghanistan, Gaza. By our so-called high developed societies. This does not really look like civilization, does it? It is murder for money (oil, gold, etc.).(Gang) stalkers and people cookers: stop your crimes and have yourself locked upYou, (gang) stalker or people cooker do not want the rest of your life murdering people do you? You cannot undo your crimes, you cannot waken people, that have been murdered by you and your criminal friends, from the dead. Best thing you can do is go to the police or your family doctor and tell the truth. That's right, you only have to tell the truth. Then you will be locked up for a long time and you cannot harm normal people anymore, you cannot harm children anymore. And, maybe in 10, 20 years or so from now you can try again to live your life as human being. And if you have any guts then make sure you tell the truth to other people as well, so your criminal friends can be locked up as well and the ones responsible can be brought to justice.National secret services are responsibleA lot of disinformation can be found on gang stalking (organized stalking) and electronic harassment. Although some people / websites report that these operations are performed by groups acting by itself, this is not true! Most of the time the scope of the attacks is such that they can only be done by national coordination, the equipment and weapons that are used in the attacks belong to the most advanced available if not classified. One can only conclude that these attacks are organized, performed, outsourced by our national secret services. Although there are also stories on the internet stating that there are good people working for secret services, this is not true! Every day innocent people are attacked, murdered, every day innocent children are involved, their lives destroyed, every day innocent people are tortured into suicide, psychiatric patient, criminal behavior. If you know about these horrible crimes and do not speak out, then you are not a good person but an accomplice to murder one, a murderer.To all politicians of the worldThe only way to save the world is to stop your national secret services. Breaking laws and violating human rights in horrible ways has become a way of life. They are responsible for most problems in your neighborhood, in your city, in your country, in the world. Make them responsible for what they are doing. Let them account for in detail, force them to open up their organizations for thorough investigations. Stop their funding if they do not co-operate. Replace directors and staff immediately by normal people for starters.Please help to spread the message or donate: |
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Covert Harassment Conference 2014
![]() ![]() COVERT HARASSMENT CONFERENCE & TI-EVENT-2014 - BRUSSELS, 20 NOVEMBER 2014 Click here for a summary incl. videos |
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Electromagnetic Weapons Info
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Mark Rich
Mark Rich, une autre victime de ces crimes, a créé deux sites avec un tas de renseignements pour les victimes de harcèlement en réseau et harcèlement électronique i> pour tous ceux qui veulent en savoir plus sur (politique et / ou personnes) les systèmes de contrôle:
Comme beaucoup de victimes, Mark a besoin de notre soutien: Vérifiez son dernier état a >, Faire un don , href = "http://www.thehiddenevil.com" = "_blank"> Acheter son livre: The Hidden Mal , Acheter son livre: La Nouvelle Guerre Mondiale |
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L’armée de l'air est impliquée dans le harcèlement et la torture électronique cruels d'innocents
![]() C’est très important de comprendre que de nombreuses attaques viennent du ciel, c'est à dire des avions militaires, y compris des hélicoptères, des planeurs etc … Souvent, ils ne visent pas seulement vous, mais aussi certaines personnes qui vous entourent. Mais bien sûr, ils peuvent également vous attaquer avec des équipements installés dans les maisons voisines ou appartements. Et ils ont aussi un équipement portatif, qui leur permet de regarder à travers les murs et de vous brûler, de vous ‘cuire’, de contrôler votre esprit. Lorsque vous allez à l'hôtel, ils doivent juste trouver un des leurs qui est proche de votre nouvel emplacement et vous attaquer à partir de cet endroit. [ 18 Mars 2011 ] (Rapporté par Peter Mooring) Je suis une victime, depuis 2000, de harcèlement en réseau / harcèlement organisés et cruel / la torture électronique. Pendant un certain nombre d'années, ils m’ont suivi et m’ont harcelé avec des avions militaires partout où je vais. Je suis également visé (souvent ‘cuit vivant’) avec une charge très puissante provenant d’ armes à très haute énergie, par exemple, des armes à micro-ondes et ceci lorsque ces appareils sont là. L'avion militaire visible peut être ou ne pas être impliqué, leur fonction étant de distraire, mais le fait qu'ils me traquent relève d’ un crime grave. Ma conclusion est que la personne qui a organisé (a donné l'ordre initial) que ces engins militaires passent au-dessus de moi, est un criminel. Lire l’histoire complète ici Voir aussi: http://www.electronictorture.com |
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