Les révélations d’Edward Snowden concernant les méthodes d’écoute ne sont que la pointe émergée de l’iceberg. Aux Etats-Unis et dans les pays occidentaux, des milliers de gens dont des enfants sont attaqués (physiquement et mentalement), par des services secrets ou militaires utilisant indéniablement des méthodes de haute technologie et des armes électroniques. Nous devons tous unir nos efforts afin de mettre ces criminels derrière les barreaux ! Je vous demande, s’il vous plaît, d’envoyer des liens de ce site à vos amis et proches. Je vous remercie. Peter Mooring Edward Snowden, le 17 Décembre 2013 : Ces programmes n'ont jamais concerné le terrorisme : ils ont été réalisés dans un but d'espionnage économique, de contrôle social et de manipulation diplomatique. Bref, le pouvoir. Lire. Lire. Peter Mooring, le 4 Janvier 2014 : Et le pouvoir concerne l'élimination des opposants. C'est exactement ce que font les services secrets... éliminer. Une autre chose que les services secrets font est d'expérimenter de nouvelles méthodes et de nouvelles armes, ce qu'on appelle « l'expérimentation du contrôle de l'esprit ». Dans les deux cas, les méthodes et les armes sont souvent le harcèlement en réseau et les armes électroniques. Beaucoup de gens ignorants et innocents dont des enfants sont éliminées par ces moyens ou soumis à cette expérimentation. Beaucoup en souffrent, beaucoup en meurent. Ces crimes sont parmi les pires de l'histoire et sont une honte pour l'humanité. |
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Sports and radiowave weapons: nothing is real
Published: July 29, 2012, updated: July 29, 2012
IntroductionOn April 2, 2011, soccer player Wesley Sneijder of Inter Milan complained about being hit in the eyes by laser pointers when taking a free kick in the match against AC Milan. On December 27, 2010, Indonesia accused Malaysia of cheating in a football match after Malaysia's fans shone laser pointers in the eyes of Indonasian players during a Suzuki Cup final clash in Kuala Lumpur. On November 24, 2010, Novak Djokovic lost his match against Rafael Nadal complaining that his right eye got irritated and it never happened before.In all times there have been people trying to manipulate the results of competitions, sports matches. But this was (very) difficult, it took poisening, often left evidence. In the past the countries that developed the best (undetectable) performance-enhancing drugs, USA, Russia, East-Germany, China, were on top in many world sports.
Nothing is what it looks anyway, but electronic weapons have made sports even more unrealToday, countries still need very good athletes but now also can degrade and influence the performance of competitors with powerful electronic weapons. Today's electronic weapons, i.e. weapons based on invisible radiowaves like laser weapons, directed energy weapons, microwave weapons, mind control weapons, make it very easy to manipulate results because the human body and brain are very vulnerable to electromagnetic energy. And it is not only humans that can be attacked. Sports where a lot of money is involved, with betting, like horse racing, are also likely to be targeted. Put all your money on on the third seed and 'zap' horse number one and horse number two with invisible laser weapons during the race and you make a lot of money without too much risk. Is it this easy? Yes it is.Attacking the human body with directed energy weaponsThe most used directed energy weapon on humans is a microwave weapon which is nothing more than a very high power microwave oven that can be aimed very precisely. It's operation is very easy to understand. it can be used to cook the human body like a microwave oven cooks meat. Low intensity or high intensity, in a second or for longer times, even hours. A few of the effects that can be achieved are (sudden) heated body, blurred vision, stiff limbs, irritated feeling, farting, burping, sudden heavy pain, slowly increasing pain, teared muscles, heart ache. Other types of directed energy weapons may manipulate the heart beat, cause nausea, vomitting, pressurize (e.g. upper chest), cause (irresistable) urge to urinate or defecate, sting like an insect, make you scratch, etc.How damaging and painful are the attacks?Attacks can cause irritation, slowly building up. Or are just there, instant. They can be uncomfortable to extremely painful. Injuries, or the feeling of being injured, can disappear as sudden as they came, or last for days. If they cook your calf, you may tear a muscle and recovery can take weeks. They may also attack you after a competition event/match for many days to get you to a doctor.How these attacks are appliedDo not assume the attackers will just flash your calf to injure you. Their attacks have been designed not to cause any suspicion.If you are an athlete your calfs may be attacked when running uphill or make you cough when you run on a bridge. When you increase speed they may start heating your body, or pressurize your chest, the result being you will slow down. Or you may suffer a knee injury when you want to run a marathon and break a record. Or you suddenly feel very sick, or get biceps pain, during a tennis match. They may attack your spline after fifteen minutes, make you want to defecate and fart after you take your energy drink. If you do not know about this technology, you probably think this was just bad luck. But this was not bad luck, you were attacked with a directed energy weapon, that cooked part of your body. DeniabilityThe attackers have a wide range of effects they can apply and will choose the most 'logical' effect at a certain moment. In all cases they will attack you in such a way that no evidence is left.Being an athlete, you might be alerted and think something strange is going on and complain about this. Because of the carefully applied attacks, your trainer, co-athletes, friends will say: yes I also had calf problems once when running uphill. This is called deniablility, or how the military often put it: plausible deniability. From Wikipedia: More generally, 'plausible deniability' can also apply to any act that leaves little or no evidence of wrongdoing or abuse. Examples of this are the use of electric shock, waterboarding or pain-compliance holds as a means of torture or punishment, leaving few or no tangible signs that the abuse ever took place. Where do the attacks come from?Yoiu can be attacked from distances of hunderds to thousands of meters, through-wall (through-ceiling), through clouds. From the sky, from houses, vans, aircraft (including helicopters). If inside crowded rooms, shops, there are generally agents signalling your position to the controllers of these weapons. Because they can 'lock' on a target through-wall this needs to done only once in a while.Can you protect yourself against these attacks?It is impossible (!) to protect yourself against attacks with directed energy weapons. Shielding with tin foil, metal sheet, water, make the attacks less powerful in the beginning but after some time the attackers simply increase intensity. But being a professional athlete or soccer player you cannot protect yourself during training and match! When you are swimming freestyle the attackers can flash your spline or heart area everytime you raise your left arm.How do you know if you are being attacked?Awareness. If you know about these possibilities, you must be very aware of what you feel. When do you notice something is not right? When did it start? Is it the same as other times? Does it change, does it go away when you change directions? Is it normal to feel this pain? Did you feel this before? Etc. You yourself are the best (and probably the only) judge of this! Read information on the internet about directed energy weapon attacks. Many victims of these weapons have put their personal stories on the internet.In general once the attackers decided you will be a target, they will not give up and keep trying to slow you down. This means you probably are attacked multiple times with a similar beam, or totally different beams. Sometimes they are not aimed correctly, e.g. the are aiming your spline but are messy and point to high so the pain comes from a position 10-15 centimeters higher. Background informationThe information presented here probably will frighten many but is very real. Directed energy weapons, like high power microwave weapons, have been developed and have become very accurate the last decade. If you can shoot a rocket out-of-the-sky with a laser weapon at distances of 30 kilometers or more, you can imagine what such a weapon can do to the human body. These weapons are not used visibly in real wars, like Iraq and Afghanistan, mainly because our governments do not want you to know the state of these weapons. Also, using these weapons in real wars, probably would cause a lot of international discussion and may even result in a ban on these weapons.These weapons are also perfect weapons for political control. Secret services (including military) finally got what they always wanted, deniable weapons. With these weapons they can eliminate without evidence. Elimination can range from temporarily out-of-the-way, to causing permanent damage e.g. by causing a stroke, and even murder, e.g. by disrupting the heart function or driving a person insane (suicide, collapase into a psychiatric patient, commit a crime), cause a car accident (making the driver very sleepy, flashing the eyes of the driver). Still not convinced? All over the world people write on the internet about being attacked by these weapons, google e.g. electronic harassment or electronic torture or silent holocaust electronic.Details of attacks
To all politicians of the worldThe only way to save the world is to stop your national secret services. Breaking laws and violating human rights in horrible ways has become a way of life. They are responsible for most problems in your neighborhood, in your city, in your country, in the world. Make them responsible for what they are doing. Let them account for in detail, force them to open up their organizations for thorough investigations. Stop their funding if they do not co-operate. Replace directors and staff immediately by normal people for starters.Please help to spread the message or donate: |
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Covert Harassment Conference 2014
![]() ![]() COVERT HARASSMENT CONFERENCE & TI-EVENT-2014 - BRUSSELS, 20 NOVEMBER 2014 Click here for a summary incl. videos |
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Electromagnetic Weapons Info
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Mark Rich
Mark Rich, une autre victime de ces crimes, a créé deux sites avec un tas de renseignements pour les victimes de harcèlement en réseau et harcèlement électronique i> pour tous ceux qui veulent en savoir plus sur (politique et / ou personnes) les systèmes de contrôle:
Comme beaucoup de victimes, Mark a besoin de notre soutien: Vérifiez son dernier état a >, Faire un don , href = "http://www.thehiddenevil.com" = "_blank"> Acheter son livre: The Hidden Mal , Acheter son livre: La Nouvelle Guerre Mondiale |
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L’armée de l'air est impliquée dans le harcèlement et la torture électronique cruels d'innocents
![]() C’est très important de comprendre que de nombreuses attaques viennent du ciel, c'est à dire des avions militaires, y compris des hélicoptères, des planeurs etc … Souvent, ils ne visent pas seulement vous, mais aussi certaines personnes qui vous entourent. Mais bien sûr, ils peuvent également vous attaquer avec des équipements installés dans les maisons voisines ou appartements. Et ils ont aussi un équipement portatif, qui leur permet de regarder à travers les murs et de vous brûler, de vous ‘cuire’, de contrôler votre esprit. Lorsque vous allez à l'hôtel, ils doivent juste trouver un des leurs qui est proche de votre nouvel emplacement et vous attaquer à partir de cet endroit. [ 18 Mars 2011 ] (Rapporté par Peter Mooring) Je suis une victime, depuis 2000, de harcèlement en réseau / harcèlement organisés et cruel / la torture électronique. Pendant un certain nombre d'années, ils m’ont suivi et m’ont harcelé avec des avions militaires partout où je vais. Je suis également visé (souvent ‘cuit vivant’) avec une charge très puissante provenant d’ armes à très haute énergie, par exemple, des armes à micro-ondes et ceci lorsque ces appareils sont là. L'avion militaire visible peut être ou ne pas être impliqué, leur fonction étant de distraire, mais le fait qu'ils me traquent relève d’ un crime grave. Ma conclusion est que la personne qui a organisé (a donné l'ordre initial) que ces engins militaires passent au-dessus de moi, est un criminel. Lire l’histoire complète ici Voir aussi: http://www.electronictorture.com |
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