Les révélations d’Edward Snowden concernant les méthodes d’écoute ne sont que la pointe émergée de l’iceberg. Aux Etats-Unis et dans les pays occidentaux, des milliers de gens dont des enfants sont attaqués (physiquement et mentalement), par des services secrets ou militaires utilisant indéniablement des méthodes de haute technologie et des armes électroniques. Nous devons tous unir nos efforts afin de mettre ces criminels derrière les barreaux ! Je vous demande, s’il vous plaît, d’envoyer des liens de ce site à vos amis et proches. Je vous remercie. Peter Mooring Edward Snowden, le 17 Décembre 2013 : Ces programmes n'ont jamais concerné le terrorisme : ils ont été réalisés dans un but d'espionnage économique, de contrôle social et de manipulation diplomatique. Bref, le pouvoir. Lire. Lire. Peter Mooring, le 4 Janvier 2014 : Et le pouvoir concerne l'élimination des opposants. C'est exactement ce que font les services secrets... éliminer. Une autre chose que les services secrets font est d'expérimenter de nouvelles méthodes et de nouvelles armes, ce qu'on appelle « l'expérimentation du contrôle de l'esprit ». Dans les deux cas, les méthodes et les armes sont souvent le harcèlement en réseau et les armes électroniques. Beaucoup de gens ignorants et innocents dont des enfants sont éliminées par ces moyens ou soumis à cette expérimentation. Beaucoup en souffrent, beaucoup en meurent. Ces crimes sont parmi les pires de l'histoire et sont une honte pour l'humanité. |
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Secret service: fear for the truth to be revealed!(15) - start independent investigations so they can be brought to justice and jailed
Published: March 24, 2008, updated: October 20, 2012
HistorySecret services have been and still are the armies of the elite. But it was around 1945 that the world suddenly became a much smaller place by planes, atom bombs. And after WOII there was an enemy, the Russians, communism. Based on this fact national secret services restructured and built their networks. All over the country people were recruited to join this help-and-protect-your-country program. But then the enemy disappeared, the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 marked the end of the Cold War. Agents are available in all cities across the country. There is some hierarchy but basically the organization is very flat with agent A not knowing that his neighbour is agent B. Agents are often utility workers, water, gas, mail services, etc. But also people present at all levels in all organizations, including police, fire department, newspapers, advertising agencies, broadcasting studio's, etc.A cancer in societyThe secret services system had become very powerful over the years. Methods had been developed to eliminate people without evidence, programs had been started to program people, see also COINTELPRO, MKULTRA. But power corrupts and the system became sick. Stealing and murdering became a habit and after some time no one within the system was normal anymore, everybody was compromized in one way or the other, had become a thief and/or murderer. The system no longer protected the common people but instead attacked them, murdered them to steal. In other words, the system became a cancer in society.Part of the population is murdered to let the sick system live and expandWithout an enemy, recruiting new employees and agents became a problem. To keep the sick system alive, they started murdering normal people to recruit new agents and personnel. The method: create enemy, assemble allies, employees/agents. Find a naive, decent person. Drive the victim almost insane using gang stalking and electronic weapons. Involve neighbours, co-workers. Drive the victim into suicide, psychiatric patient, criminal. The net result is a new number of employees/agents. During elimination they may test new methods, test new equipment, test medicine, e.g. deploy new (electronic) weapons on targeted people and their children.Created their own sick reality, their own sick rulesThe secret services networks are based on fear, fear for the truth to be revealed: they are all murderers. Over the years these networks created their own reality and rules, having nothing to do with the laws normal people must abide to:
Isolated from society, choked by their own criminal systemTo eliminate victims they try to isolate them. The truth is that they themselves are the ones that are isolated from society and there is no way of getting out of their sick system, there is no way of becoming a normal person again anymore.Want to play for Gods but are nothing but perverted murderersBeing part of the criminal system, they feel powerful, they have control over anyone because they will always outnumber their targets and have the best methods and weapons to eliminate. But this compensates the fact that they know they are murderers only partly. Main thought is that being part of the sick system makes them feel safe, they believe that the sick system will protect them from being send to jail.Once a murderer, always a murdererMost of the new recruits/agents are slowly advanced to the murderer status. First asked to show the target an email, to say a word or sentence to the target, to drive their car and be at a junction the same time the target gets there, to call a person at a certain moment, etc.. Only after a certain time or a number of times they start realizing that what they do is not normal and may have serious impact on their target and that their actions may be very illegal although they were asked by what appeared respectable people. Only the strong will resist further participation. The others will object but continue participation and after some time there is no way back. Most know they are involved in a plot to eliminate a person, and arrive at a point where they realize may very well be accessory to murder. Now, there is no way out of this except through prison. Being a thief you can say, I will not steal anymore, and then you are not a thief anymore. you Once a murderer however you cannot say, I will stop doing this and then I am not a murderer anymore.Once a murderer, there are no boundariesOnce crossed the boundary of murderer, there is nothing that these sick persons will not do. What is worse than murdering? Involving children in their crimes, torturing children, torturing innocent people, stalking, it is no problem because it is less worse then murder so it is no problem to do this.Once a murderer, others must be made murderers as wellOnce crossed the boundary of murderer, they realize that they have become disgusting creatures. Looking around and seeing all those normal people does not really make them feel better. The more people are like them, the better they will feel. This is why it can become a passion for them to trick other people into murder.Afraid of normal people, hiding their crimes because nobody likes murderersNormal people do not like murderers. To hide their crimes they infiltrate all organizations at all levels. This is a necessity to keep the system safe, out of the newspapers. You can imagine that to cover up new crimes the system must expand. The more people are in the system, the more people are required for control and monitoring. Best liars in the world, but are mentally sick persons, terrorists and pedophiles themselvesA part of the trick they do to eliminate people is to spread lies. One of the worst lies they telll about a target is that it is a pedophile. Scary part is that they are often pedophiles themselves. Fortunately lies in general hold only 2-3 years. Never taking any responsibility for what they doMany people inside the sick system have developed truely psychopathic characteristics, if not they were psychopaths already. One of their main characteristics is that they never take responsibility for what they do. This looks a bit like how not very intelligent persons react when asked why they went out of line. They answer that they are not very intelligent and that they just take orders from people who they think know things better even if they believe that they have to do things that aimed at hurting a person. However, every human being knows right from wrong.Abuse most powerful weapons (electronic weapons) in history to steal and murder normal people Never in history secret services had access to such powerful weapons. While these weapons should be used to protect country, corporations and high profile people, the truth is that these weapons are used against a countries own citizens. Many targeted people do not even know that they are a target, they are eliminated (incapacitated, tortured, murdered). Survivors often do not know why they are targeted, are burned and cooked. Mind reading for more control and more tortureWith current state of technology it has become easy to pick up and process signals send by the human body and brain. Most easy is to pick up and decode signals generated by words not spoken through the mouth but 'in the head'. Again this is a method used by secret services to control and manipulate. Mind reading also is used as a torture method (by reacting to what a target is thinking).Push button torture and murder has become a way of life: people cookers and people burners The human body appears extremely sensitive to electromagnetic radiation. With these new electronic weapons it is no longer necessary to stab a person with a knife, to shoot a bullet, to poisen. These old-fashioned methods are now replaced by the new no-touch torture and murder methods. High power microwave (HPM) can cook (parts of) a person from hundreds of meters and through walls. Sonic devices can be used to destroy tissue, cause kidney or heart failure syptoms, etc. In addition, it is much easier to find people willing to perform torture and murder this way. Studies showed that the greater the distance between the torturer and the victim, the more easy it is for the torturer to apply the torture (see also the Milgram experiment).Statements from people wanting more control to prevent the truth from being revealedA director of the Dutch secret service said some time ago that the laws do not apply to them. Excuse me! Dutch terrorist coordinator Joustra arranged for people to be followed everywhere in such a way that the target would see the followers (this was forbidden when a woman filed a lawsuit). Excuse me!The same Joustra also introduced a system where they can harass a person in a city, and they only have to inform the mayor they are following this person. The reasons are not given but must be inquired for explicitly by the mayor (to make their illegal actions as invisible as possible). Excuse me! Secretary of Defense of the US Rumsfeld told us he had lawyers investigate the limits of torture and they did nothing wrong in Iraq. But he had to adjust this. Excuse me!Very recently, Bush vetoes bill banning waterboarding, although everybody agrees that this method violates human rights. Excuse me! Failed as human beings, not human anymore, not even rats, just pieces of shitPersonally, I am not against police or secret services. But the only conclusion can be that secret services have turned into depots of psychopaths and murderers and have access to the most advanced weapons in history ever. With these electronic weapons and without an enemy they now torture and kill citizens, they commit the most horrible crimes in history, violate human rights in all terrible ways. Why? To keep their sick system alive.I consider these creatures not human, not even rats (that would be an offense to the rats) but just pieces of shit. Prove to me I am wrong, open up your organizations for independent investigationsSecret services are protected from thorough investigations. The reason we are given is that these investigations might be useful for terrorists (who are the terrorists anyway). This is bullshit. The only reason is that the people within the system are scared that the truth may be revealed. Until secret services do not allow these investigations I can only assume I am right and they are afraid for the truth to be revealed.Let the people of the world decide who they want in jailThe above states that a large number of people is involved in murdering activities, they should be jailed! Our jails however are already occupied by people convicted for all sorts of crimes. I want to propose the following question to be answered by the people of the world: Who do you want in jail?A. Persons committing crimes like bank robberies, persons having murdered others when in a state of rage, or B. Persons who systematically (physically and mentally) murder innocent people year by year by year.Not a very difficult question to answer is it? Links
To all politicians of the worldThe only way to save the world is to stop your national secret services. Breaking laws and violating human rights in horrible ways has become a way of life. They are responsible for most problems in your neighbourhood, in your city, in your country, in the world. Make them responsible for what they are doing. Let them account for in detail, force them to open up their organizations for thorough investigations. Stop their funding if they do not co-operate. Replace directors and staff immediately by normal people for starters.Please help to spread the message or donate: |
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Covert Harassment Conference 2014
![]() ![]() COVERT HARASSMENT CONFERENCE & TI-EVENT-2014 - BRUSSELS, 20 NOVEMBER 2014 Click here for a summary incl. videos |
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Electromagnetic Weapons Info
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Mark Rich
Mark Rich, une autre victime de ces crimes, a créé deux sites avec un tas de renseignements pour les victimes de harcèlement en réseau et harcèlement électronique i> pour tous ceux qui veulent en savoir plus sur (politique et / ou personnes) les systèmes de contrôle:
Comme beaucoup de victimes, Mark a besoin de notre soutien: Vérifiez son dernier état a >, Faire un don , href = "http://www.thehiddenevil.com" = "_blank"> Acheter son livre: The Hidden Mal , Acheter son livre: La Nouvelle Guerre Mondiale |
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L’armée de l'air est impliquée dans le harcèlement et la torture électronique cruels d'innocents
![]() C’est très important de comprendre que de nombreuses attaques viennent du ciel, c'est à dire des avions militaires, y compris des hélicoptères, des planeurs etc … Souvent, ils ne visent pas seulement vous, mais aussi certaines personnes qui vous entourent. Mais bien sûr, ils peuvent également vous attaquer avec des équipements installés dans les maisons voisines ou appartements. Et ils ont aussi un équipement portatif, qui leur permet de regarder à travers les murs et de vous brûler, de vous ‘cuire’, de contrôler votre esprit. Lorsque vous allez à l'hôtel, ils doivent juste trouver un des leurs qui est proche de votre nouvel emplacement et vous attaquer à partir de cet endroit. [ 18 Mars 2011 ] (Rapporté par Peter Mooring) Je suis une victime, depuis 2000, de harcèlement en réseau / harcèlement organisés et cruel / la torture électronique. Pendant un certain nombre d'années, ils m’ont suivi et m’ont harcelé avec des avions militaires partout où je vais. Je suis également visé (souvent ‘cuit vivant’) avec une charge très puissante provenant d’ armes à très haute énergie, par exemple, des armes à micro-ondes et ceci lorsque ces appareils sont là. L'avion militaire visible peut être ou ne pas être impliqué, leur fonction étant de distraire, mais le fait qu'ils me traquent relève d’ un crime grave. Ma conclusion est que la personne qui a organisé (a donné l'ordre initial) que ces engins militaires passent au-dessus de moi, est un criminel. Lire l’histoire complète ici Voir aussi: http://www.electronictorture.com |
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